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Slighe Sgoile

Acadamaidh Pheairt

Perth Academy

Tha am film mar gheama-coimpiutair. ‘S e Jasper am prìomh charactair. Bidh e a’ dol dhan sgoil ach ‘s e briseadh-dùil a th’ ann dha gu bheil e a’ cluinntinn cus Beurla. Bidh e a’ dol gu grunn àiteachan agus a’ sireadh dhaoine a bhruidhneas Gàidhlig ris. Aig a’ cheann thall, tha e soirbheachail is bidh e a’ cur crìoch air an ìre aig a bheil e a’ cluich.

This film is like a computer. Jasper is the main character. He goes to school and is disappointed to hear so much English. He goes to lots of different places trying to find people who will speak to him in Gaelic. In the end, he is successful and completes the level he is playing at.

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