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Sgoil Sir E Scott

Sir E Scott School

’S e tubaist a bh’ ann, ach nuair a dh’òirt Flòraidh cofaidh air aoigh anns an taigh-òsta far an robh i ag obair, is beag a bha fios aice a’ bhuaidh a thigeadh bhon mhearachd sin. Carson nach duine ga h-aithneachadh an-diugh? Carson nach eil duine fiu’s bruidhinn rithe an-diugh? Mu dheireadh thall, tha e a’ tighinn thuice gu bheil i neo-fhaicsinneach. Agus bhiodh sin gu ma spòrsail……..nach biodh?

It was an accident, but when Flora spills coffee on a guest in the hotel where she works, little does she anticipate the consequences of that mistake. Why are people not recognising her today? Why are people not even speaking to her today? Gradually, she realises that she is invisible. And that would be lots of fun…..wouldn’t it?

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