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Fìor Mhnathan nan Eilean

Àrd-Sgoil Ìle

Islay High School

Thig Fìor-mhnathan nan Eilean ri chèile aig an taigh-òsta ainmeil is sòghail. An sin, nì iad filmeadh airson eapasod ùr a bheir sùil air a’ bheatha ghlamarach aca. Le maise-ghnùis is falt deiseil, cò mu dheidhinn a bhruidhneas iad an-diugh mus tèid iad air splaoid chudromach don Cho-op?

The real housewives of the island meet at the prestigious luxury hotel to film the next episode showcasing/documenting their lives. Makeup and hair at the ready, what will they talk about today before dropping by the Co-op for essential shopping?

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