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An Tac an Teine

Bun-sgoil Ghilcomstoun

Gilcomstoun Primary

Sealladh de bheatha am broinn sgoil Ghàidhlig ann an Obar Dheathain. Chan eil mòran Gàidhlig ri fhaighinn san Ear Thuath, mar sin, tha adhbhar pròis am broinn na sgoile. Gheibhear blasad de cho cudromach ‘s a tha an cànan dha na sgoilearan, is mar a thathas an dùil a chleachdadh nam beatha obrach san àm ri teachd.

A snippet of life in Gilcomstoun Primary’s Gaelic department. There is not much Gaelic spoken in the North East, and so there is a sense of pride within the school. The film highlights the importance of the language to the children and how they may or may not use it in the future.

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