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An Sealladh mu Dheireadh

Acadamaidh Hazlehead

Hazlehead Academy

Tha caraidean sgoile a’ feitheamh sa chlas gus am bi iad deiseil airson coimhead air a’ phrògram mu dheireadh ann an sreath a tha a’ còrdadh riutha. Nuair a dh’fhosglas iad an coimpiutair tha iad a’ faicinn teachdaireachd air BBC Alba ag ràdh gu bheil farpais ann agus gu bheil e an urra riutha fhèin am prògram mu dheireadh a chruthachadh. Tha iad ag aontachadh gur e muirt a gabhas àite agus gum bi car san sgeòil leis an dà shearbhant a’ marbhadh am maighstir agus na ‘detectives’ a’ feuchainn obrachadh a-mach cò rinn e.

It’s the episode they’ve been waiting for forever. Patiently waiting for it in class and as soon as the bell rings the friends run to another classroom to watch it just to find out there is no last episode and instead there is a competition and they must create the last episode themselves. They decide on a murder mystery and in a dramatic twist two servants kill their master. The detectives must find out who the killer is before it’s too late…. Grab some popcorn and a blanket and enjoy the show.

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