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An Dà Thaobh

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Bhaile a' Ghobhainn

Govan Gaelic Primary School

Tha sgoilearan a’ faighinn deiseil airson consairt nuair a tha Val air a bhualadh sa cheann. Tha an sgleog a’ toirt air smaoineachadh an e àite fìor a th’ anns an sgoil no fiolm. An obraich e a-mach an fhìrinn agus am bi e fhèin is a charaidean sàbhailt?

Pupils are preparing for a concert when Val receives a bump to the head. Feeling confused from the bump he begins to wonder if the school is real or just a film set. Will he find out the truth and will he and his friends be safe?

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