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An Tàillear Paraisteach

Sgoil Hogama

Whycocomagh Education Centre

Bha fear ann, “Iain an Tàilleir” agus ‘s e an Tàillear Paraisteach a bh’ aca air. Bha e a’ tighinn a-nall à Alba air soitheach siùil gu Alba Nuadh. Thòisich muc-mhara a’ leantainn an t-soithich. Dè rinn an Tàillear agus an sgioba? 

There was this fellow, “John the Tailor” and they called him the Parish Tailor. He was coming over from Scotland on a sailing ship to Nova Scotia. A whale started to follow the vessel. What did the Tailor and the crew do?

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