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A' Sealg Sìth

Scott MacMhìcheil

Scott Mitchell

An-diugh, tha sinn uile mothachail air cho cudromach ’s a tha mothachas agus sìth nar beatha. Feuchaidh sinn seo a lorg ann an grunn dhòighean; ’s dòcha gum bi thu a’ coiseachd, a’ snàmh, a’ sgrìobhadh, no a’ dealbhadh. Mi fhìn ge-tà, lorg mi gaol ann an ruith. San fhilm seo, bu toil leam mo shealladh fhèin a shealltainn dhut, ann am barrachd na aon dòigh. Nach tig thu còmhla rium thar Cille Daltan?

Today, we have all become more aware than ever of how important mindfulness and peace are in our lives. We strive to find these in many different ways; perhaps you walk, swim, write, or draw. For me though, I have found a love for running. In this film, I would like to show you my views, in more ways than one. Won’t you come along with me across Kildalton?

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