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Seanchas na Fairge

Sgoil Stafainn agus CnaG

Staffin Primary School

Tha uimhir de sgeulachdan an cois cladaichean Stafainn, is gu robh feum air Aibidil na Fairge son ar cumail air chùrsa. Bheir bun-sgoilearan Stafainn sibh air turas-mara. Chì sibh taisbeanadh den obair-ealain a chruthaich iad. Cluinnear beagan mu na fosailean a lorgar ri laimh, agus mun dualchas a th’ air bilean an t-sluaigh. Tha e coltach gun do rinn Lexy cearcall a’ chuain cuideachd. Chan e a-mhàin gur i th’ air cùl a’ chamara ach gu bheil i air tilleadh aig aois ochd-deug dhan sgoil far an robh i fhèin na sgoilear. A chàirdean, tha sinne toirt thugaibh ‘Seanchas na Fairge’.

There are so many stories along the shores of Stafain, that the Farge Alphabet was needed to keep us on course. Staffin primary school children will take you on a sea trip. You can see a display of the artwork they created. You will hear a little about the fossils that are found nearby, and about the heritage that is on the lips of the people. It looks like Lexy did the ocean circle too. Not only is she behind the camera but she has returned at the age of eighteen to the school where she herself was a pupil. Friends, we bring you ‘Seanchas na Farge’.

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